Member-only story
What programming language to learn in 2023?
Ever since I was young, I have been trying to learn about computers, to figure out how they work, and most importantly — how to build things using them to make people “wow”.

During my student years, whenever I sat down to spin a new code, I researched new technologies and languages to take on new challenges. Back in the 2000s, nothing much was happening on the web technology front: the pace was much slower than now. The most advanced websites used UI elements written in Adobe’s Action Script. Programmers were actively using HTML, CSS, and a trivial level of Javascript to publish a web page. Monolith architecture was reigning.
The first “mission impossible” project — take it or leave it!
My first paid programming job had very challenging requirements: to create a website where customers could build a swimming pool directly on the website and see it in 3D animation. Yeah, easy-peasy. The technology I had never worked with before — Action-Script, with an internet speed that no millennial could imagine — 56 KBPS. But, It was the first time I could blow visitors’ minds, get fame for what I do, and best of all, get paid! Who would miss this opportunity? No-way. Not me!
I closed myself to my room for ten days. Eat-sleep-code was my new routine. It was a “now-or-never” moment. I would probably quit programming If I failed. Stakes were very high for me, so I decided not to risk and to take enough time for making a presentation for my first business partner. A month later, I was ready to present the final product in a “cinematic way”. The presentation went surprisingly well. I still remember the customer’s satisfied face when he saw for the first time the done work: “It’s a brilliant piece of work”, he said. It was the first enlightening moment for me: The presentation was the most important factor in my success!
With every new book, and with every new project, I realized that being passionate about technology is only one part of the puzzle. Learning new and trending technologies will not help me much in the long run until I understand how to apply them to the right people, at the right time, and in the right…